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Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Dog That Isn't Barking

by Hugh Hewitt

A half dozen retired generals have been very vocal in their criticisms of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld this past week. The current and former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have rebutted the criticisms, and retired Chair of the Joint Chiefs Richard Myers has gone on television to deplore what is in his view an erosion of the long-standing traditions of the military when it comes to politics.

The generals critical of Rumsfeld are, of course, within their First Amendment rights to speak, but it is important that the media take note of the dog that isn't barking in this instance, specifically the thousands of the estimated 4,700 retired generals and admirals that are not stepping forward to blast away at Rumsfeld. On Monday, the Wall Street Journal published a piece by generals representative of this vast majority who support Rumsfeld.

The only vote that matters on whether Rumsfeld stays or goes is the president's, of course, and he is standing right behind his controversial but victory-oriented and transformation-bringing secretary of defense.

Hugh Hewitt is the host of the Hugh Hewitt Show.


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