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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Democratic Party Rift

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Posted by Yellow Dog Sammy on Ohio 2006 blog,

11th Dist. Caucus Meeting: Democratic Party, Heal Thyself

Last night I attended a meeting of the 11th District Caucus, the political organization of Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, at The Civic in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. I had a number of reasons for going, but a major one was to assess what a politically-connected friend had told me. He said that the simmering feud between statewide party leaders (ODP Chairman Chris Redfern and front-running gubernatorial candidate Rep. Ted Strickland in particular) and African-American political leaders (especially Tubbs Jones) is getting worse instead of better, and that at this point Tubbs Jones is inclined to "sit this one out," i.e., to withhold her considerable support from Strickland's campaign. So, is it that bad?

Yes, maybe worse. There is a grievous wound in the Ohio Democratic party, it has been allowed to fester far too long, and some very strong medicine must be applied immediately or the outcome may be a catastrophe in November. Indeed, it may already be too late to heal the wound, but the attempt must be made this instant......
Tubbs Jones proceeded to announce endorsements by her organization....And for Governor? Tubbs Jones announced that there will be no endorsement in the gubernatorial race.


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