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Sunday, February 18, 2007

A move to arm pilots on International flights

From the Buckeye Firearms Assn. website-

By Dan Roman:

Last week the USA Today ran a story, "U.S. asks to arm pilots abroad" From the story

    For the first time, the U.S. government is asking foreign countries to allow pilots to carry guns in the cockpit when they fly overseas.

    The Homeland Security Department, working with the State Department, is trying to expand a 4-year-old program that allows thousands of pilots to carry guns on domestic flights.
Well, it's about time! It's been more than five years since our country was attacked using our own airliners, and more than four years since congress passed a law that mandated pilots be permitted to carry guns to defend their cockpit. First they must pass required background checks, psychological screening and a week long firearms training curriculum. They are volunteers and not compensated. Travel, food, lodging, and other expenses are not even reimbursed.

Click on "read more" to continue reading.

The law states that the U.S. Secretary of State can negotiate agreements with foreign governments to enable U.S. pilots to fly armed on flights between our countries. Secretary of State Colin Powell never raised a finger to effect these needed changes. Now Condoleezza Rice is finally getting to this important task.

Of course some countries do not want armed pilots. Again from the article:

    "Sweden would rather not see any weapons aboard airplanes," said Michael Mohr, homeland security liaison at the Swedish Embassy in Washington.
Well now, we'd rather not have armed hijackers on my plane! Heck while we are making our wish list, we'd rather not have engine problems or hydraulic leaks, or pressurization problems. We'd rather not have medical emergencies, abusive passengers, weather problems or mechanical delays either. We'd rather have a good meal, and a winning super Lotto ticket too please. Unfortunately, the 9/11 hijackers didn't ask any of the murdered pilots or crew if they would "rather" have their throats cut.

Mohr went on to say,

    "There's a concern about arms and very sensitive equipment inside airplanes."

No - there isn't. We care about people, not equipment. There is a concern that people associated with radical islam will hijack our airplanes and use them as guided missiles to kill thousands of our innocent men, women and children again.

Federal Air Marshals, armed pilots, Secret Service, FBI, Customs, and many other law enforcement officers fly armed on airplanes every day. Any peace officer can carry on a plane, with a need such as escorting a prisoner, after watching a short video tape. And the last time you heard of any of these guns harming any "very sensitive equipment inside airplanes" was – NEVER. It is of no concern.

This has already been debated to death. Handguns do not pose a dire threat to airliners. Evil people do. Unfortunately, so do bureaucrats who can't tell the difference between the two, but sit in their comfy cubicle and tell those who would be murdered about their dim-witted concerns for the airplane's equipment. Their actions enable terrorists to carry out their ruthless plans.

The article was actually fairly well written, with no gross errors or lies. It is worth reading. But then they ended with ludicrous statement.

    Aviation security consultant Rich Roth said some pilots "feel better" carrying guns, but he doubts they could thwart a hijacker. "If you're sitting in the flight deck and they get through, you have no time to do anything with a weapon," Roth said.

It's good to present both sides of a discussion, but Roth is an idiot. He obviously knows nothing about guns, airplanes, or self defense. He is probably certain that a citizen could never stop or prevent a crime with a firearm either, even though it happens about every 13 seconds in our country. Maybe he still thinks the earth is flat and revolves around the sun.

The armed pilots program is a good one, but it needs many improvements. It's been four years, and no pilots have shot anyone in a fit of rage as those hoplaphobes predicted. Just like with concealed carry, they were wrong then, are wrong now, and no longer have enough credibility to be bothered with. The lack of progress of the armed pilot program over the last four years proves that congress must again mandate that the job be done right.

Two groups working to fix the programs problems are:
Federal Flight Deck Officer Association
Airline Pilots Security Alliance.

Click here for a reminder of what happens when pilots don't have the necessary tools at hand.

Editor's note: Author's name has been changed for security reasons. He holds an Airline Transport Pilot license with type ratings for B-757 and B-767 airplanes and flies for a major U.S. Airline. His co-workers were among the first murdered on 9/11/2001.


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