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Monday, June 05, 2006

Sticking With DeWine

—Hugh Hewitt

Ohio Senator Mike DeWine faces a tough re-election campaign in the Buckeye State, primarily because of his participation with John McCain in the Gang of 14 and his support for Social Security benefits for illegal aliens who may one day become citizens based upon their contributions to the trust fund made while in the country wrongly.

Yet DeWine has a lifetime American Conservative Union rating that is very high and has voted for every Bush judicial nominee including Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, for the Bush tax cuts and for border fencing. And his opponent is a hyper-liberal congressman certain to parallel Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy in his votes should he win.

I, too, have disagreed with Senator DeWine on occasion, but he is a solid pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-property rights vote and he deserves our support for re-election. With more Supreme Court nominees likely in the near future, the GOP majority in the Senate simply cannot be thrown away.


Hugh Hewitt is the host of the Hugh Hewitt Show.

Hugh Hewitt is the author of Painting the Map Red: The Fight to Create a Permanent Republican Majority.


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