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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Deadly Excesses From Hollywood

November 22, 2005

—Michael Medved

At the lavish new Waterfront movie theatre complex in Pittsburgh, an argument among audience members led to a fatal shooting. Those who defend Hollywood's violent and vulgar excesses should face a pointed question: which of the new films shown at the multiplex drew the customers who participated in this brutal murder?

Is it the animated Disney film, "Chicken Little"? Or had patrons been stirred to violence by viewing the gorgeous new adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice"? Predictably enough, the victim and his killers chose instead to pay their money to see the notorious "gangsta rapper" 50 Cent, appearing in "Get Rich or Die Tryin'." It shouldn't take a social scientist to determine that a movie like this, irresponsibly glorifying drug dealing and gang brutality, creates a more dangerous atmosphere than traditional family fare.

Worst of all, by releasing such loathsome material Paramount Pictures promotes a vision of African-American culture that's degrading, crude, racist and, ultimately, deadly.
Michael Medved is the host of The Michael Medved Show.

Michael Medved is the author of
Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons from a Controversial Life.

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