NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert Vol. 13, No. 51 12/29/06
States with updates this issue: Michigan.
Here are some of the top stories we brought you in the NRA ILA Grassroots Alert in 2006. With the new challenges we will inevitably face next year in Congress and the states, we must re-double our efforts to ensure we are prepared to effectively defend the Second Amendment. To that end, we will continue to provide you with information in future Alerts to ensure our success.
Please help us share this information with others by seeing that your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners receive the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert. To sign them up to receive NRA-ILA free e-mail alerts (including the Grassroots Alert), have them visit www.NRAILA.org, and choose "Sign-up for Email," or they may call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.
Have a safe and Happy New Year!
JANUARY: The Wisconsin State Assembly, by a vote of 64-34, fails to override Governor Jim Doyle's (D) veto of Senate Bill 403, the "Personal Protection Act" (PPA). The vote was two short of the 66 required for an override.
Canada's anti-gun Prime Minister Paul Martin and the ruling Liberal Party are ousted in the country's federal elections, bringing an end to the Liberal Party's 12-year reign. Outgoing Prime Minister Martin's scandal-plagued administration gained notoriety for its ill-advised gun registration program that has cost the country more than two billion dollars and, of course, did nothing to reduce Canada's escalating crime rate.
FEBRUARY: The U.S. House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security hears testimony from individuals affected by heavy-handed enforcement tactics of the BATFE at gun shows in Richmond, Virginia. Testimony outlines instances where dozens of BATFE and local law enforcement officers intrusively question dealers and customers, trying to discourage people from buying guns, and stopping show attendees on the roads after they left. In some cases, customers' lawfully purchased guns were confiscated, and returned only when the owners visited BATFE's office for more questioning. In other cases, local police officers visited gun buyers' homes to conduct "residency checks"--intrusive questioning of family members and even neighbors.
MARCH: NRA files a motion for contempt against the City of New Orleans, its mayor, Ray Nagin (D), and the acting chief of police for failure to comply with a temporary restraining order mandating an end to all illegal gun confiscations that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Shortly thereafter, an agreement is reached in which the city of New Orleans admits it holds a number of firearms, and sets up a mechanism for owners of these firearms to begin retrieving their property.
In Kansas, Governor Sebelius' (D) veto of NRA-backed Right-to-Carry legislation, Senate Bill 418, "The Personal and Family Protection Act," is overridden.
The Nebraska legislature gives final approval to a measure granting law-abiding Nebraska citizens the right to carry a firearm for personal protection.
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour (R) signs two NRA-backed, high-priority bills into law-SB 2426, a "Castle Doctrine" self-defense bill, and HB 1141, a bill containing two pro-gun, and one pro-hunting provision, for law-abiding gun owners and hunters in the state.
APRIL: Anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) convenes a meeting with a cadre of like-minded mayors to discuss "reducing gun violence." Among the attendees is Anthony Williams (D), Mayor of Washington, D.C., where handguns have been banned for decades, but where the violent crime rate remains stratospheric. Predictably, the outcome of the meeting is a call for more restrictive gun laws.
Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman (R) signs Legislative Bill 454 into law, making Right-to-Carry the law of the land in Nebraska.
Alabama Governor Bob Riley (R) signs NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" bill SB 283 into law.
MAY: NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox announce a two-part initiative to ensure that the forcible confiscation of lawfully owned firearms--such as occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina--never happens again. The first part of this important initiative consists of the nation's mayors and police chiefs signing a pledge promising the citizens for whom they work they will never forcibly disarm them. The second part outlines NRA-ILA's commitment to pass state and federal legislation to make it a crime to forcibly disarm law-abiding citizens.
Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry (D) signs HB 2615, the NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" self-defense bill, into law.
JUNE: U.S. Senator George Allen (R-Va.) introduces S. 3275--the Senate version of H.R. 4547--a national Right-to-Carry (RTC) reciprocity bill that would provide national reciprocity for state carry licensees. This legislation would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state if he or she meets certain criteria. The bill would not create a federal licensing system; it would simply require the states to recognize each other's carry permits, just as they recognize drivers' licenses.
San Francisco Superior Court Judge James Warren strikes down San Francisco's Prop. H handgun ban, asserting that under California law local officials do not have the authority to ban firearms from law-abiding citizens. NRA-ILA opposed the ban from its inception, both at the ballot box and in court.
JULY: The "U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects" ends in deadlock with no recommendations on ammunition, civilian possession, or future U.N. meetings. The failure of this five-year program to impact the legitimate firearm industry, and the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens, is a great victory. However, anti-gun Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and liberal governments serve notice they would not give up and would present all of their issues to the U.N. General Assembly in the future.
The U. S. Senate overwhelmingly passes (84-16) an amendment to the Homeland Security appropriations bill (H.R. 5441), offered by Senator David Vitter (R-La.), that prohibits the use of funds appropriated under H.R. 5441 for the confiscation of lawfully possessed firearms during an emergency or major disaster.
The U.S. House of Representatives passes H.R. 5013, the NRA-backed "Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act." This legislation, sponsored by Representative Bobby Jindal (R-La.), will amend federal emergency laws to prohibit federal, state, and local authorities from confiscating lawfully-owned firearms during emergencies or disasters. HR 5013 passed by a broad bi-partisan margin of 322-99.
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) signs into law a package of six self-defense bills backed by NRA, bringing "Castle Doctrine" protections to law-abiding Michigan citizens. The six-bill "Castle Doctrine" Package passes with bi-partisan, supermajority support in both houses of the Michigan legislature.
AUGUST: In a landmark victory for NRA and law-abiding gun owners, Judge Carl J. Barbier of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana denies the City of New Orleans' motion to dismiss NRA's lawsuit against the city. Judge Barbier holds that the Second Amendment does apply to law-abiding residents in the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans. The City of New Orleans argued just the opposite--claiming that the Second Amendment does not apply to residents in the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans.
SEPTEMBER: The U.S. House of Representatives passes NRA-backed H.R. 5092, the "BATFE Modernization and Reform Act of 2006," by an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 277-131.
This legislation was drafted in large part to address BATFE abuses at the Richmond, Virginia area gun shows last year. H.R. 5092 will help curb BATFE's efforts to revoke dealers' licenses for minor paperwork errors, establish new guidelines for BATFE investigations, and improve the appeals process for dealers.
OCTOBER: President George W. Bush signs legislation that includes language to prohibit the confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens during states of emergency! Passage of this legislation becomes a top priority of NRA following confiscations of lawfully-owned firearms by local officials in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Prior to the President's recent action, NRA led the charge in passing "emergency powers" laws in 10 states. This new law is part of the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill.
More than 140 attorneys, law students, and members of the public attend this year's "Firearms Law & The Second Amendment" symposium. Guests hear presentations from leading scholars on key issues affecting firearms ownership.
NOVEMBER: The American electorate takes out its frustration and anger on the Republican Party and turns over control of Congress, not to mention governors' mansions and majorities in several state legislatures, to the Democrats. On a day that sees voters expressing dissatisfaction over conduct of the war, over political corruption, and over competency to govern, Americans cast their votes for record numbers of pro-gun candidates, both Democrat and Republican. Many of the newly elected office holders pledged their support of the Second Amendment while on the campaign trail. They got elected when voters took them at their word. Unfortunately extreme opponents of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms have been elevated to seats of power, especially in the House of Representatives, where Nancy Pelosi will become Speaker and John Conyers is set to take over the powerful Judiciary Committee. Anti-gunners will also assume the chairs of important sub-committees. There will be battles ahead, and, with the 2008 elections on the ever-nearing horizon, NRA members and their fellow gun owners remain ever vigilant. We must let our representatives, both Democrat and Republican, know one thing: we expect our Second Amendment rights to be respected.
DECEMBER: Governor Bob Taft's (R) veto of crucial statewide preemption legislation is overridden by the state legislature, marking the first time in 29 years that the Ohio legislature overturns a Governor's veto. Championed by Representative Jim Aslanides (R-94), HB 347 creates statewide preemption ensuring that firearm laws are uniform throughout the state. Passing statewide preemption eliminates problems for gun owners who have been unduly burdened by local ordinances, such as the Columbus "assault weapons" ban. In addition, this legislation corrects a number of problems that have surfaced during the past year for Right-to-Carry permit holders. The most common complaint for license holders has been the "plain sight" requirement in a motor vehicle. HB 347 will eliminate this requirement.
Michigan's State Legislature passes a two-bill, NRA-backed package, to create the state's "Emergency Powers Protection Act" (HB 6363 and HB 6364). The new laws prevent local governments from confiscating lawfully-owned firearms during a declared state of emergency. Michigan's bills pass overwhelmingly in the State Senate, 37-1, and unanimously in the State House, 105-0.
New Jersey Superior Court Judge Maurice Gallipoli declares Jersey City's one-gun-a-month handgun rationing law null and void, holding that it violates state preemption, equal protection, and was "arbitrary and capricious."
The Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado are developing a management plan to shape the kinds of uses allowed on these Forests for the next 15 years. Seven public meetings are scheduled in January and February to give the public an opportunity to state how they want the Forests to be managed. The last time the management plan was updated was in 1984, so it is likely that the new plan will incorporate some significant changes. It is vital that sportsmen and women participate in the process to ensure that access and opportunities for hunting and recreational shooting are provided.
In its announcement, the Forest Service said that the principle issues will be recreation, ranching, oil and gas development, logging, forest thinning and off-road vehicle use. The meetings will be from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., in the following locations:
January 17 - Leadville, National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, 120 West 9th Street
January 18 - Salida, Chaffee County Fairgrounds, 10165 County Road 120
January 30 - Denver, Clements Community Center, 1580 Yarrow Street
January 31 - Colorado Springs, La Foret Conference Center, 6145 Shoup Road
February 14 -Westcliffe, Ranchera's Roost Cafe & Bowling Alley, 25 Main Street
February 15 - Pueblo, El Pueblo Museum, 302 N. Santa Fe Avenue
February 21 - Fairplay, Fairplay Fairbarn, 880 Bogue Street
(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting http://www.nraila.org/, clicking the "Take Action" icon, and then clicking the "Write Your Representatives" icon. As always, thank you for your support.***)
States with updates this issue: Michigan.
MICHIGAN: The Emergency Powers Protection Act (HB6363 & HB6364), sponsored by State Representative Scott Hummel (R-93), would establish new laws preventing local governments from confiscating lawfully owned firearms during a declared state of emergency, as witnessed in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. The bills passed overwhelmingly in the State Senate, 37-1, and unanimously in the State House, 105-0. This vital Second Amendment legislation is currently on the desk of Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) awaiting her signature. Please contact Governor Granholm today by phone at (517) 373-3400, or (517) 335-7858; by fax at (517) 335-6863; or by e-mail at http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-21992_21995-65331--,00.html and respectfully urge her to defend your Second Amendment rights by signing HB6363 and HB6364.
NRA will close today at Noon, and will be closed on Monday, January 2,
for the New Year's Holiday. Please have a safe and Happy New Year!
Join the NRA online at http://www.secondamendment.info