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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The loyalty of politicians

From Michael Meckler's     
January 25, 2006
Franklin County prosecutor and GOP attorney general candidate Ron O'Brien is learning the hard way about the loyalty of politicians. O'Brien had been one of the leading supporters of the gubernatorial campaign of fellow Republican and current attorney general Jim Petro. And Petro in return promoted O'Brien's campaign to replace him as attorney general, assisting O'Brien in organizing fundraising events. O'Brien was even one of the speakers who introduced Petro two weeks ago at the Franklin County Republican Party endorsement meeting, where Petro won the endorsement in a tougher than expected vote.

And what happened yesterday as soon as state auditor Betty Montgomery dropped out of the race for governor (where she was in competition with Petro) and dropped into the race for her old job of attorney general (where she immediately came into competition with O'Brien)? This statement posted on Petro's website:

I am very pleased that [Betty Montgomery] will be the Republican candidate for Attorney General, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy and her election.
Ouch! Most observers believe Petro's stab in the back is probably fatal to O'Brien's candidacy. The other GOP candidate for attorney general, state senator Tim Grendell, issued a press release calling on O'Brien to remain in the race. Of course, having the moderate vote split between Montgomery and O'Brien would help Grendell's candidacy immensely and may, in fact, be the only way the conservative Grendell could defeat the better-known and better-funded Montgomery. But state GOP leaders would clearly prefer for both O'Brien and Grendell to quit the race, allowing a prominent and highly electable candidate like Montgomery an easy path to the November ballot.

This sort of behavior is not limited to Republicans. Mahoning County treasurer and Democratic candidate for state auditor John Reardon is probably feeling a bit betrayed this morning as well. State representative Barbara Sykes told reporters yesterday that she is running for auditor after being wooed by state Democratic bigwigs. Sykes is the only African American to be running among Democrats seeking statewide office. Black political leaders had been extremely critical of the Ohio Democratic Party over the lack of diversity on the statewide ticket, especially since Republicans have two African Americans (secretary of state Ken Blackwell, running for governor; and treasurer Jennette Bradley, running to keep her job) currently holding statewide office, both of whom will be appearing on the May primary ballot.

Reardon, who is not seen as a heavyweight candidate by leading Ohio Democrats, was clearly the "odd-white man-out" when Democratic leaders set about searching for a slot on the statewide ticket in which to put an African-American candidate. And they had to find a candidate. Sykes has strong name recognition in the Akron area, and she ran statewide once before, losing to Blackwell in the race for state treasurer back in 1994. Two months ago, Sykes had announced that she wanted to retire from politics. Her statements to the media yesterday made it clear that her decision to run for office this year came only after being recruited for the Democratic ticket.

Republicans are feeling quite confident about retaining the auditor's office. They have coalesced around the campaign of state representative Mary Taylor, who is both personable and, as a certified public accountant, highly qualified for the job. Taylor is a fresh face unconnected to the corruption scandals of the Taft administration.

Most Democratic and Republican observers would agree that Sykes makes a stronger candidate against Taylor than does Reardon. Yet Sykes, along with the other down-ticket Democratic candidates, may not get all the resources she will need to win her race. Democrats will likely put most of their energy and money into the governor's race, where they believe they have the strongest chance of victory and can gain the largest control over the executive branch of state government. Furthermore, it is easier to win other statewide races for the party if a Democrat resides in the governor's mansion than if the state's top Democrat is only, say, attorney general. (Remember 1994?)

But decisions on the allocation of campaign resources will wait until the fall. In the meantime, no matter whether and for how long Ron O'Brien continues his run in the GOP primary for attorney general, and John Reardon his run in the Democratic primary for auditor, both candidates cannot be happy campers about the way prominent party leaders are manipulating their races.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Statement from Petro Campaign

Statement from Jim Petro

Today Jim Petro released the following statement on Betty Montgomery’s announcement:

“Betty Montgomery has run an honorable and spirited campaign. In all of my public statements, I have always stated my belief that Betty Montgomery has had a very distinguished record as Attorney General and Auditor of State. I have been proud to support her in all of her elections since we first came to know one another in 1988. I am very pleased that she will be the Republican candidate for Attorney General, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy and her election.”

Blackwell calls for Petro to join Montgomery

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Contact: Gene Pierce

Statement Regarding State Auditor Montgomery's Withdrawal

(Columbus, January 25, 2006) Gene Pierce, spokesman for Ken Blackwell’s gubernatorial campaign, made this statement in response to Ohio Auditor Betty Montgomery’s announcement that she was dropping out of the gubernatorial primary contest.

“Phil Heimlich and Betty Montgomery have dropped out of the gubernatorial race to help the Republican Party. Jim Petro should follow suit and drop out to help the Party, too. Betty Montgomery is a great public servant, and we look forward to having her somewhere on the November ticket.”
Blackwell leads in primary and general election match-ups in all recent polls (including his opponents’), raised more money than all other candidates in the last filing period and has a grassroots network of more than 10,000 supporters across the state.

# # #

Betty Montgomery for Attorney General

"More exciting news to come!"

U.N. Procurement Scandal: A 'Culture of Impunity'

Monday, January 23, 2006
By George Russell and Claudia Rosett
UNITED NATIONS — How bad is the still expanding scandal in the United Nations' multi-billion-dollar procurement division? Based on a still-secret internal investigation, the answer is: for the U.N., it is just as bad as the gigantic Oil-for-Food debacle — or maybe worse.

The focus of the current scandal is U.N. peacekeeping, a function that consumes 85 percent of the U.N.'s procurement budget — a cost that could reach $2 billion in 2005. Like many of the U.N.'s financial dealings, it is shrouded in secrecy. And like the multi-billion-dollar Oil-for-Food scandal, it is wrapped in what the U.N.'s own investigators now call "systematic abuse," "a pattern of corrupt practices," and "a culture of impunity."

In all, U.N. investigators have charged that nearly one-third of the $1 billion in major U.N. procurement contracts that they examined involved waste, corruption or other irregularities — $298 million in all. And that total covered slightly less than one-third of the $3.2 billion in major supply contracts that the U.N. has signed in the past five years.

These conclusions are contained in a confidential 34-page report by the U.N.'s internal watchdog, the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), which landed on the desks of top U.N. managers just before Christmas. The document, blandly entitled "Comprehensive Management Review of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations — Procurement" was circulated to various U.N. departments for comments and corrections, as part of the world body's labyrinthine and often ineffectual process of self-criticism.

A "finalized" version of the report, adjusted to take account of internal comments and rebuttals, has now been completed, and could be released to U.N. member states as early as Monday.

In advance of publication, the U.N. last week announced that eight officials from procurement and peacekeeping had been effectively suspended with pay while additional investigation takes place.

Based on the auditors' sampling, this scandal now appears clearly to be heading for the multi-billion dollar ozone layer of kickbacks collected by Saddam Hussein via U.N.-monitored contracts during the seven years of Oil-for-Food.

The big difference is that the Saddam Hussein is now out of business. The U.N. auditors, on the other hand, predict that unless radical changes are made in almost every aspect of U.N. business and internal management, recurrence of the kind of questionable activities discovered so far in UN procurement is "almost certain."

Audit: U.N. Hasn't Tried to Clean Up Procurement Mess

The U.N. has refused to name any individuals involved in the scandal so far, including any of the eight people suspended last week. They are known, however, to include Andrew Toh, the U.N. assistant secretary general for central supply services, who has been in overall charge of procurement. Toh has confirmed that he was relieved of duties and told FOX News that he did nothing wrong. Another of the suspended officials is reportedly Sanjaya Bahel, a Toh subordinate who was named head of the procurement division last July, until the appointment was suddenly rescinded. Bahel has also denied any wrongdoing.

The suspension of eight mostly mid-level officials, however, hardly seems adequate to the problem, based on the OIOS report. OIOS auditors charge that mismanagement and corruption were the order of the day in the U.N.'s procurement process, just as they were in the Oil-for-Food scandal, and that virtually every area of the U.N. that touched on peacekeeping procurement was affected.

The OIOS investigators also declare flatly that there has been little or no attempt by the United Nations to look into internal accusations of mismanagement and fraud, nor any attempt to hold individuals accountable for their actions. "The control environment needs immediate attention," the report says.

Beyond the alarm over procurement, the investigators' questioned the effectiveness of the U.N.'s legal affairs department, and looked skeptically at a top-level U.N. committee known as the Headquarters Committee on Contracts (HCC), which supposedly examined and gave final approval to all contracts worth $200,000 or more. The HCC performed its functions inadequately and was often misinformed and manipulated by peacekeeping and procurement staffers who appeared before it, the report says.

As one result of the oversight weaknesses, the report states, "the U.N. peacekeeping operations were depending on a few main vendors of questionable integrity, which made the missions vulnerable to over-charge."

But the problem extended beyond a few vendors. The report notes that in 2003, the OIOS sampled a list of 211 companies registered to sell goods and services to the United Nations, and which had done nearly $1 billion in business with the organization up to that time. In cases with a total price tag of about $562 million, the auditors discovered that the vending firms were involved in "exceptions to the normal registration procedures."

The OIOIS report further notes that despite the U.N.'s vast purchasing power, only a handful of U.N. personnel in the field procurement section — 10 in all — were responsible for the bulk of the buying done at UN headquarters. As the report notes, in 2005, one official alone "handled $2 billion procurement in fuel and food contracts."

That appears to be an intriguing reference to Alexander Yakovlev, the longtime procurement office who was arrested last August and pled guilty to corruption and wire fraud charges after a FOX News investigation revealed his secret Caribbean bank account. The United Nations has refused to disclose the full extent of Yakovlev's activities in procurement. The reference could also mean that the U.N. audit's sampling methods still underestimate the extent of fraud in the department, since Yakovlev is known to have sought bribes from U.N. contractors as early as 1996.

Among other things, Yakovlev had ties to a mysterious firm named IHC Services, which brokered U.N. procurement contracts for a wide variety of other companies. For a time, from at least 1998 until early 2000, IHC's board chairman was a longtime U.N. diplomat named Giandomenico Picco, who also served for an overlapping period as a part-time special envoy for Secretary General Kofi Annan. (Picco's U.N. contract finally expires this month.)

Last October, FOX News revealed that IHC President Ezio Testa had leaked confidential U.N. procurement bid information to another firm, Eurest Support Services (ESS), five days before the United Nations gave ESS a $62 million contract to feed peacekeepers in Liberia. At the time, U.N. officials estimated the total value of ESS food contracts with the United Nations at $237 million, with renewals and add-ons that could reach $351 million. Since the FOX News report, three ESS executives have been fired, and both ESS and its parent, British-based Compass Group, are under investigation by U.N. and U.S. federal authorities.

The current OIOS report makes specific note of at least one other transaction between Yakovlev and ESS, in connection with performance bonds that the U.N. requires to be posted by suppliers until contracts are fulfilled. Yakovlev allegedly returned a $3.7 million performance bond from ESS eight months in advance of the required date, in contravention of U.N. regulations.

The report noted that the bonds represented cash, and "lack of controls over performance bonds created risks that [procurement] staff may…return them before contract expiration periods in exchange for cash or favours." In a limited sample, the auditors found "fraud indicators" in connection with payments and performance bonds totaling $41 million.

Until late last year, U.N. rules and regulations did not require staff members "to disclose conflicts of interest that could affect procurement," the OIOS report notes. There is still no requirement for companies doing business with the United Nations to disclose when they have recruited former U.N. staffers as employees.

As a case in point, the report cites the staffing of one aviation supply company, Skylink Aviation, a global air transport firm based in Toronto. The OIOS auditors note that former senior U.N. contract negotiators from the management and peacekeeping operations departments are currently listed as a Skylink vice president and a corporate managing director. The report makes no allegations that the hirings led to wrongdoing.

In fact, only one of the former U.N. officials now appears to be working for Skylink, according to the company Web site. That official, Skylink told FOX News, "is not involved in U.N. procurement issues."

Peacekeeping Contracts Under Scrutiny

In another section of the report, however, OIOS auditors recommend that the U.N. investigate possible collusion among U.N. officials to award Skylink an $85.9 million fuel contract for peacekeeping in Sudan. According to the report, one of the officials who was directly responsible for overseeing implementation of the Skylink contract abruptly resigned in December, 2005-about the time the OIOS investigation entered its final stages. No reason was given for the departure.

Another area of suspicion for the auditors is direct transactions between the peacekeeping department and national governments, known as "letters of assist." The investigators mention Toh specifically in a procurement case dating back to 2000, at a time when he was chief of the procurement division. The case involved rental by the U.N. of a Russian-made, heavy-duty MI-26 helicopter from the government of Peru for use by U.N. peacekeepers in East Timor. The cost: nearly $10.5 million, with the money to be paid into a Swiss bank account.

There was no request from East Timor peacekeepers for such a helicopter, the OIOS investigators conclude, and they say there is evidence the United Nations was overcharged as much as $8.8 million on the deal. There is also evidence of bid-rigging in the case, the auditors conclude.

OIOS auditors declare that a Peruvian government investigation found that the country's former president, Alberto Fujimori, who suddenly resigned in November, 2000, amid a corruption scandal, illegally made the helicopter deal with the United Nations with the involvement of Peru's then-ambassador to the U.N. and a Peruvian general. (Fujimori, who is also charged with an array of human rights abuses, was arrested earlier this month in Chile.)

A note in U.N. files from a U.N. peacekeeping official, the OIOS investigators say, indicates that Toh was the person who first informed the peacekeeping department of Peru's interest in providing the helicopter.

Contacted by FOX News, Toh said he was aware of the citation, did not recall being involved, and had not been interviewed by OIOS in connection with the secret report.

"In my job, I get a lot of calls," he commented, adding that "all I do is refer them to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. My office was not involved in any negotiations in respect of the government of Peru issue."

The OIOS report offers up a welter of recommendations for U.N. actions to drain the swamp of incompetence, bad procedure and wrongdoing. They range from the obvious (reviewing staff appointments "to ensure that these staff members meet the requisite qualifications and experience to carry out the functions assigned to them") to repeated requests to determine personal accountability for the irregularities that investigators have uncovered.

But the report is by no means a comprehensive look at the procurement department, or at peacekeeping, and leaves many questions unanswered.

The first is the true size of the problem.

U.N. peacekeeping costs, the auditors say, have averaged about $750 million annually over the past five years, but the average is misleading. Peacekeeping costs have been rising dramatically of late. From 2002-2004, peacekeeping purchases totaled $2.5 billion (another $500 million was spent for regular U.N. use.) The $2 billion bill for 2005 means that the amounts have now almost doubled. This means the potential losses and irregularities could prove to be far higher than even the U.N. report indicates.

Another question is why the top managers of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations appear to have emerged unscathed from the critique, though four middle-level officers are among those relieved of duties.

But the biggest question of all is how much determination the United Nations will muster to clean house when the "finalized" OIOS report finally sees daylight — and whether it will discover how far the "culture of impunity" might extend beyond procurement and peacekeeping operations.

George Russell is executive editor of FOX News. Claudia Rosett is journalist-in-resident with the Foundation For Defense of Democracies.

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Montgomery to quit governor’s race

By Joe Hallett
The Columbus Dispatch
Monday, January 23, 2006 7:31 PM
State Auditor Betty D. Montgomery on Tuesday will quit the Republican race for governor and announce her candidacy for attorney general, relegating the GOP gubernatorial nomination to a slugfest between two statewide heavyweights.

Sources said Montgomery will announce her withdrawal from the governor's race this morning in Bowling Green during a press conference at the Wood County Courthouse, where she served eight years as county prosecutor beginning in 1981.

Mark R. Weaver, Montgomery's campaign spokesman, would not comment Monday night.

Although she could seek re-election, Montgomery will opt to run for attorney general, a post she relished but had to give up in 2002 due to eight-year term limits. State Sen. Timothy J. Grendell, a Chesterland Republican, said Monday that he intended to stay in the race for attorney general. The third announced GOP candidate, Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien, said he was shocked by the news but that he plans to proceed with his campaign.

"I've been campaigning for nine months and I've been to 54 counties," Grendell said. "I'm running not because I need the job, but because I want the job."

Montgomery's exit from the governor's race creates a likely GOP showdown between Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell and Attorney General Jim Petro. A lesser-known Republican, Cleveland contractor Pete Draganic, also has announced plans to run for governor.

Viewed as more moderate than Blackwell and Petro, mainly due to her support for abortion rights, Montgomery has finished third in recent polls of Republican voters and has lagged Petro and Blackwell in fund-raising. In campaign-finance reports filed at the end of June, Petro had raised $1.36 million, Blackwell $1.2 million and Montgomery $772,246. Campaign reports due Tuesday are expected to show Petro and Blackwell widening their money-raising lead over Montgomery.

Republican Gov. Bob Taft, who is serving his second term, cannot run again because of term limits.

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Rise of the Thought Police

January 23, 2006

—David Aikman

Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair is basically popular in America. But there's another side to Blair that isn't so charming, the culture of political correctness that his Labor government has unleashed in Britain.

In one recent case, an Oxford undergraduate, in high spirits because of just-completed final exams, was arrested for asking a mounted policeman, "Officer, do you realize your horse is gay?" In another, a prominent British Muslim, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, was interrogated by police for saying on TV that gay behavior was unacceptable. The third case involved a retired evangelical couple who were investigated by police for requesting permission to put up posters to combat gay propaganda.

These are three examples of a witch-hunt throughout Britain for homophobia, the vice that tolerant liberals won't tolerate. It's time for the British police to return to investigating real crimes, not imposing thought control on the country.

David Aikman is a veteran journalist and the chairman of Gegrapha.

David Aikman is the author of Qi: The Richard Ireton Series #1.
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Morton C. Blackwell

We at Big World Blog are pleased to announce the latest inductee into Big World Blog's Conservative Heroes Hall of Fame....
Morton C. Blackwell

Morton C. BlackwellProfessionally, Morton Blackwell is the president of the Leadership Institute, a non-partisan educational foundation he founded in 1979.

His institute prepares conservatives for success in politics, government and the news media. Over the years the Leadership Institute has trained more than 40,000 students. It currently has revenue of $7 million per year and a staff of 57.

In youth politics, Mr. Blackwell was a College Republican state chairman and a Young Republican state chairman in Louisiana.

He served on the Young Republican National Committee for more than a dozen years, rising to the position of Young Republican National Federation national vice chairman at large.

Off and on for five years, 1965-1970, he worked as executive director of the College Republican National Committee under four consecutive College Republican national chairmen.

He served on the Louisiana Republican state central committee for eight years.

First elected to the Arlington County (Virginia) Republican Committee in 1972, he is a member of the Virginia Republican state central committee and was first elected in 1988 as Virginia’s Republican National Committeeman (RNC), a post he still holds. In 2004 he was elected to the Executive Committee of the RNC.

Having worked actively in politics for more than forty years, he has probably trained more political activists than any other conservative. Starting in the 1960s, he has trained thousands of people who have served on staff for conservative and Republican candidates in every state.

Mr. Blackwell was Barry Goldwater’s youngest elected delegate to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco.

He was a national convention Alternate Delegate for Ronald Reagan in 1968 and 1976, and a Ronald Reagan Delegate at the 1980 national convention.

In 1980, he organized and oversaw the national youth effort for Ronald Reagan.

He served as Special Assistant to the President on President Reagan’s White House Staff 1981-1984.

Mr. Blackwell is something of a specialist in matters relating to the rules of the Republican Party. He served on rules committees of the state Republican parties in Louisiana and in Virginia. He serves now on the RNC’s Standing Committee on Rules and has attended every meeting of the Republican National Conventions’ Rules Committees since 1972.
Morton Blackwell's writings & speeches-
The Laws of the Public Policy Process

by Morton C. Blackwell

1. Never give a bureaucrat a chance to say no.

2. Don't fire all your ammunition at once.

3. Don't get mad except on purpose.

4. Effort is admirable. Achievement is valuable.

5. Make the steal more expensive than it's worth.

6. Give 'em a title and get 'em involved.

7. Expand the leadership.

8. You can't beat a plan with no plan.

9. Political technology determines political success.

10. Sound doctrine is sound politics.

11. In politics, you have your word and your friends; go back on either and you're dead.

12. Keep your eye on the main chance and don't stop to kick every barking dog.

13. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

14. Remember the other side has troubles too.

15. Don't treat good guys like you treat bad guys.

16. A well-run movement takes care of its own.

17. Hire at least as many to the right o f you as to the left of you.

18. You can't save the world if you can't pay the rent.

19. All gains are incremental; some increments aren't gains.

20. A stable movement requires a healthy, reciprocal I.O.U. flow among its participants. Don't keep a careful tally.

21. An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.

22. Never miss a political meeting if you think there's the slightest chance you'll wish you'd been there.

23. In volunteer politics, a builder can build faster than a destroyer can destroy.

24. Actions have consequences.

25. The mind can absorb no more than the seat can endure.

26. Personnel is policy.

27. Remember it's a long ball game.

28. The test of moral ideas is moral results.

29. You can't beat somebody with nobody.

30. Better a snake in the grass than a viper in your bosom.

31. Don't fully trust anyone until he has stuck with a good cause which he saw was losing.

32. A prompt, generous letter of thanks can seal a commitment which otherwise might disappear when the going gets rough.

33. Governing is campaigning by different means.

34. You cannot make friends of your enemies by making enemies of your friends.

35. Choose your enemies as carefully as you choose your friends.

36. Keep a secure home base.

37. Don't rely on being given anything you don't ask for.

38. In politics, nothing moves unless pushed.

39. Winners aren't perfect. They made fewer mistakes than their rivals.

40. One big reason is better than many little reasons.

41. In moments of crisis, the initiative passes to those who are best prepared.

42. Politics is of the heart as well as of the mind. Many people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

43. Promptly report your action to the one who requested it.

44. Moral outrage is the most powerful motivating force in politics.

45. Pray as if it all depended on God; work as if it all depended on you.Morton C. Blackwell, PresidentLeadership Institute


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Friday, January 20, 2006

Labor may throw support to GOP

The Washington Times

By William Glanz

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney complained yesterday that Democratic candidates take union support for granted, saying some unions will withhold support for Democrats during elections this year.
    "I think we have to ... hold Democrats accountable," he said. "You just can't assume that the labor movement is going to [support] Democratic candidates unless they are committed to solve the problems that are so important to workers. I do believe that there will be some Republican candidates who will be endorsed and supported by some of our unions."
    Unions also must add more members to bolster political clout and work harder to mobilize workers during the upcoming election season, Mr. Sweeney said at the National Press Club.
    Union leaders agreed with Mr. Sweeney's assessment and supported the notion that not all Democrats deserve labor's endorsement.
    "I think sometimes on particular issues there can be a tendency to take labor for granted. You do see that happening. It's so obvious on the trade issue," said American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees President Gerald McEntee, who also is chairman of the AFL-CIO's political action committee.
    Some unions plan to withhold support from or to support opponents of the 15 Democrats who voted for the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which lowered trade barriers among the United States, five Central American countries and the Dominican Republic. Unions haven't named any Republicans they plan to support.
    The House approved CAFTA by two votes in July, and President Bush signed the bill in August.
    Rep. Melissa Bean, Illinois Democrat, is one of labor's targets. Labor opposed CAFTA over concern that lowering trade barriers would encourage outsourcing of American jobs by making it less expensive to ship goods back into the United States from countries that signed onto the trade bill.
    "A number of unions have talked about targeting Melissa Bean for her alienation of the labor movement at a key time on a key vote," said Jeffrey Zack, spokesman for the International Association of Firefighters.
    Despite issuing a warning to Democrats and saying unions will support moderate Republicans, Mr. Sweeney lashed out the Republican-controlled Congress and the Bush administration for supporting policies harmful to middle-class Americans. Mr. Sweeney yesterday lamented the flight of good jobs overseas and said American workers continue to fall behind as corporations shed pension plans and the cost of living rises.
    "What are we going to do about the destruction of good jobs in our country -- the jobs that for the past half-century helped us create the largest middle class, the most dynamic economy and the strongest democracy in the history of the world?" Mr. Sweeney asked.
    A "corporate-driven strategy" to outsource jobs is self-destructive because it leaves businesses with too many consumers with too little money to spend, Mr. Sweeney said, and it harms government by creating a bigger pool of people who rely more on public services.
    The president likely will paint a favorable picture of the economy in his State of the Union address this month, Mr. Sweeney predicted, adding that working families are still struggling.

Copyright © 2006 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Petro wants inquiry into Blackwell campaign tactics


Thursday, January 19, 2006
Julie Carr Smyth
Plain Dealer Bureau


-- For the second time in a week, someone is asking for an inquiry into Secretary of State Ken Blackwell's campaign tactics in the race for governor.

Blackwell rival Jim Petro, the Republican attorney general, asked the Ohio Elections Commission in a Wednesday letter whether it is a violation of state election laws for an issue campaign chaired by one gubernatorial candidate to sponsor negative telephone advertising about another.

Without naming Blackwell or the committee he spearheads, Citizens for Tax Reform, Petro campaign manager Bob Paduchik sought ad vice on the legality of recent phone polling by the anti-tax group that called Petro "part of the problem in Columbus."

Among his concerns was that Citizens for Tax Reform, as an issue-advocacy group, can take large individual and corporate donations that a gubernatorial candidate cannot.

Blackwell's gubernatorial campaign has given money to the anti- tax committee, and paid its treasurer's salary and its rent.

The two committees also share a spokesman, Gene Pierce, and use ccAdvertising to do their telephone work.

When asked by The Plain Dealer in December whether the two committees are collaborating, Pierce said, "I don't believe so, no."

Paduchik said Blackwell owes voters a clearer answer.

"Especially since his spokesman readily admits such coordination would be illegal, I think Ken Blackwell has the responsibility to factually demonstrate that corporate contributions for Citizens for Tax Reform are not benefiting his campaign for governor," Paduchik said.

Pierce said he "should have been more emphatic."

"We have done nothing wrong. We have followed all the rules," he said. "This is perfectly permissible under Ohio law."

Pierce said the tens of thousands of telephone calls, structured like surveys, made no mention of Blackwell or the governor's race, "so we have kept things separate."

Phil Richter, executive director of the elections commission, said he hopes to have a response to the Petro campaign on the matter by February.

Despite persistent criticism of Blackwell's roles in ballot issues in recent years, Richter said the latest issue is "something which the commission has not been asked previously to opine upon."

A group of religious leaders sent a complaint to the Internal Revenue Service on Sunday asking it to investigate whether two megachurches might have played an improper role in promoting conservative officeholders in Ohio, especially Blackwell.

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:, 1-800-228-8272

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Zogby Poll: Blackwell can't lose

From the Blackwell campaign Blog:

January 19, 2006
The Latest Zogby Poll Numbers
Good news! Ken Blackwell is the only Republican to win in the general election.

In addition, the Democratic primary is far from over. Eric Fingerhut trails Ted Strickland by one percent.

Here are the results:

Blackwell- 46%
Strickland- 41%

Petro- 34%
Strickland- 42%

Montgomery- 33%
Strickland- 43%

Blackwell- 47%
Fingerhut- 40%

Petro- 33%
Fingerhut- 41%

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Foltin 'thinking about' bid for Brown's seat

LORAIN -- Mayor Craig Foltin still has not committed to running for Ohio's 13th Congressional District seat, but insists he's giving it some serious thought.

''I'm thinking about it,'' said Foltin. ''A lot of regular citizens have been asking me to run and offering to volunteer. It's encouraging, but I haven't reached a conclusion yet. I want to see where the dust settles with other candidates first.''

Just this week two Democrats have announced their candidacy for the seat Sherrod Brown, D-Avon, has held for 13 years.

Capri Cafaro, daughter of controversial Youngstown-area shopping mall magnate J.J. Cafaro, recently moved to Sheffield Village and Tuesday confirmed through her spokesman, Vic Rubenstein, her intention to run.

Brunswick City Councilman and former congressional candidate Jack Shira also announced his candidacy this week, and former Akron Mayor and 14th District Rep. Tom Sawyer has said he expects to officially enter the race soon.

''Cafaro and Sawyer have much more money than I would ever have,'' Foltin said. ''It would be tough running against them.''

The 13th District has been a hotbed of rumors since Brown announced in October he planned to try to unseat long time Sen. Mike DeWine.

Foltin said he would not want to leave the mayor's office until he was sure certain projects would be completed.

''I want Lorain to get gambling,'' he said of his plans to bring a casino to the city's waterfront. ''I want to see the finalization of the renaissance of our waterfront and downtown. Redevelopment of the Ford plant is important, as are the widening of Cooper Foster Park Road and the extension of Tower Boulevard. If I ran for Congress, I would want to feel comfortable that these things would proceed.''

If Foltin does not run, he said, his party would field a good candidate. Joe Ortega, a Strongsville businessman who filed his paperwork to run in August, would be a good choice, he said.

''I know Joe Ortega very well,'' Foltin said. ''He has a good interest in the district. I hate to run against someone of that caliber.''

Ortega ran in the 2004 Republican primary for the district but lost to Robert Lucas.

Foltin said he might not decide for weeks.

''I'm not ruling anything out,'' he said. ''The filing deadline is Feb. 16, and I might not decide until then. It's a daunting district for any Republican. It's very skewed in the Democrats' favor.''

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Supreme Ct. Ruling Affirms Parents’ Right to be Notified



Contact Info:
Nisha N. Mohammed
Ph: (434) 978-3888, ext. 604
Pager: 800-946-4646, Pin #: 1478257

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Calls for Emergency Exception While Affirming Parents’ Right to be Notified if Minor Child Opts to Have an Abortion

WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, January 18, 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling that largely upholds the constitutionality of a New Hampshire law requiring parents to be notified of their minor child’s intent to have an abortion, although it does reaffirm the need to include an exception for medical emergencies. Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute filed an amicus brief with the Court in the case of Kelly A. Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England in defense of the right of parents to be involved in the major life decisions of their minor children. A copy of the Institute’s brief is available here.

“We are pleased that the Supreme Court affirmed the rights reserved to states and the people to protect minors who confront serious life-changing decisions such as abortion,” stated John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “After all, if minors require parental consent in order to have their bodies pierced, tattooed, or tanned, why shouldn’t their parents be notified about something as life-changing as abortion?”

In November 2003, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England challenged the constitutionality of the “New Hampshire Parental Notification Prior to Abortion Act,” which imposes criminal penalties on a physician’s failure to provide 48 hours advance notice to a child’s parent before an abortion can be performed, unless a parent waives notice in writing. However, the 2003 statute does allow parental notification to be waived in situations where a physician certifies that an abortion is necessary to prevent a minor’s death and time is insufficient to provide notice. Although at least 33 states require minors to notify a parent, or obtain a parent's consent, prior to having an abortion, a federal court declared the New Hampshire Act unconstitutional. Basing its ruling on the premise that laws may not impose an undue burden on a woman’s right to choose abortion, the district court permanently blocked the law two days before it was scheduled to take effect. The district court’s ruling was subsequently upheld by a unanimous First Circuit Court of Appeals because of what the appeals court perceived to be the act’s lack of a health exception and overly narrow death exception. On May 23, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the case, making it the first case challenging an abortion law that the high court has accepted in five years. In vacating the lower court decision, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, writing for a unanimous Court, instructed the lower court to consider invalidating the law only as it applies to those few teenagers who need an immediate abortion for medical reasons. Rutherford Institute attorneys filed a “friend of the court” brief asking the Supreme Court to reverse the lower courts’ rulings, pointing out that an overwhelming principle of American law is that minors cannot consent to or participate in most medically or socially significant activities without parental input or guidance.

Founded in 1982 by constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute is an international, nonprofit civil liberties organization committed to defending constitutional and human rights.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Minister at center of politics debate calls clergy group 'unholy alliance'


Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Mark Naymik
Plain Dealer Politics Writer

Hartville, Ohio- Prominent Ohio evangelical minister Russell Johnson fired back Tuesday at critics who charge him and others with mixing religion and politics, saying they are guilty of the same sin - if sin it is.

Accused recently by a group of moderate clergy of using his pulpit to benefit Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Johnson described them as part of an "unholy alliance" and "secular jihad" against expressions of faith.

Thirty-one clergy members on Sunday asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax- free status of Johnson's Fairfield Christian Church and affiliated organization, Ohio Restoration Project, which is trying to rally pastors to take an active role in this year's statewide races.

The Rev. Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church also was accused of illegal political activities. Both churches are in the Columbus area.

During a lunch meeting of Restoration Project adherents in Hartville in Stark County, Johnson poked fun at his critics for ignoring two left-leaning clergymen: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

"I'll feel a little better when I understand they file a grievance against Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton," he told the group.

Blackwell, who was the featured speaker at the luncheon, was honored for his support of last year's successful drive for a statewide ban on gay marriage. He defended Johnson and Parsley and denied that he has received special treatment from the churches.

He described the actions by the 31 clergy members as "a de liberate spread of misinformation" and a "double standard."

Though he said he had not read their complaint, he said he is not the only politician given a forum by the conservative churches.

During his speech, he told the cheering crowd, "You tell those 31 political bullies that you ain't about to be whupped."

Eric Williams, senior pastor of North Congregational United Church of Christ, who helped organize the clergy against Johnson and Parsley, said Monday that he expects the rhetoric to sharpen.

"It was an act of personal conviction and courage," he said. "A few of us are concerned that there may be some type of retribution."

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:, 216-999-4849


Again and again LEFTIST churches get a pass when it comes to political activities, but conservative churches are vilified and attacked for their activities. 

The truth of it is that ministers like Johnson and Parsley have been extremely effective in what they have been doing, while leftist churches are often ineffective.  And Republican and conservative campaigns have learned to win in spite of the religious left.

One thing that I will never forget is an event on Martin Luther King Day a couple of years ago that I attended in my then capacity as a member of Bedford City Council.  A large local church with a predominantly black membership held a program in observance of MLK day.

Now Bedford is nearly 80% white and has an all-white Council, neighboring Bedford Heights and Oakwood are heavily African-American.  The entire council of Bedford attended the program, and it was an uplifting and entertaining event, the kind that such services ought to be-----Until the guest speaker reached the podium.

Rev. Marvin McMickle, a failed candidate for Congress and U.S. Senate gave a sermon that largely consisted of attacks on President Bush and Republican policies.  That led me to declare McMickle one of the leading assholes in Cuyahoga county. (and that is saying a lot!)

However just look at the antics of Hillary Rodham Rodham this past week, it is nothing out of the ordinary.  The LEFTIST ministers and their ideological soulmates have their "right" to speak their mind, inspired by their faulty interpretation of God (actually from the doctrines of Karl Marx); while conservative churches are violating the law by doing essentially the same thing.

It will be interesting to see how this one develops.

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Cafaro plans to run for 13th District seat

Wednesday, January 8th

Steve Luttner
Plain Dealer Reporter

Capri Cafaro made it official Tuesday, when her campaign announced that she will indeed be a candidate for Congress again in Northeast Ohio.

The Youngstown shopping mall heiress was unavailable for comment, but her spokesman said Cafaro will hold formal announcements later this week or next week. "She wants a professional career in public service," said spokesman Vic Rubenstein. "Her number one priority is saving the jobs of workers."

Cafaro, 28, unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2004 when she tried to unseat Rep. Steve LaTourette in the 14th Congres sional District east of Cleveland. In this race, she will move west to the rambling 13th Congressional District, which includes large chunks of Lorain and Summit counties and smaller parts of Cuyahoga and Medina counties.

The race has attracted high interest from potential candidates because the incumbent, Sherrod Brown, is not seeking re-election and is running instead for the U.S. Senate. The district is generally regarded to be Democrat- leaning, though at least two Republicans are either running or considering a run.

If Cafaro is comparatively inexperienced in politics, she is undeniably wealthy. She has the potential to use her own consid erable money for the campaign. In her failed bid to beat LaTourette, she pumped more than $1.6 million of her own cash into the campaign.

"I believe she will spend whatever is necessary," Rubenstein said of the upcoming campaign. He said Cafaro has recently rented a home in the Lorain County community of Sheffield.

With the Feb. 16 filing deadline for candidates fast approaching, other Democrats have joined Cafaro in a bid for the congressional seat. Former Rep. Tom Sawyer, former State Rep. Betty Sutton and Akron attorney John Wolfe have said they are running.

Strongsville businessman Joe Ortega III said he will seek the Republican nomination for the seat. The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries on May 2 will face off in the November general election.

Craig Foltin, the Republican mayor of Lorain, said he has not yet decided if he will run. He said he has been encouraged by local and national GOP officials to enter the race.

"If you would have asked me a week or two ago, inside I was saying No way,' " Foltin said Tuesday. "But I am hearing a lot of things from a lot of people. There are a lot of people who are pushing me."

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:, 1-800-628-6689


It's really scary that Capri Cafaro, with NO resume and a tainted family name was able to knock out a resepcted legislator in Ed Jerse from the DEM primary when she sought the 14th district seat in 2004.  Basically truckloads of money trump competence. 

The sad thing is it may happen again, as Sutton & Sawyer have their bases, but are unknown in significant parts of the district.  If all the other candidates are from Akron, voters in Lorain County won't think picking a Warren area native so strange. 

Although if the 13th District doesn't work out, Cafaro can always keep heading west and run for Congress from Hawaii.

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Dangerous Defeatism

 —Hugh Hewitt

Walter Cronkite has emerged from his retirement this week to demand that America leave Iraq. "It's my belief that we should get out now," Cronkite told reporters at a meeting of the Television Critics Association. He offered the need to focus on recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina as an excuse to cover our retreat.

This disastrous advice is an echo of Cronkite's famous declaration that Vietnam could not be won in 1968, though of course peace was secured in that country only to be forfeited later when Congress refused aid to our South Vietnamese ally, and millions died in the resulting carnage in Southeast Asia, and millions more fled or were imprisoned.

The same result would follow in Iraq and the Middle East generally if America were to follow Cronkite's advice to again cut and run.

The avuncular and familiar Cronkite should stick to sailing as he heads towards 90. His advice a generation ago was disastrous for the world. He should not be indulged a second time simply because we are obliged to treat our elders with respect.

Hugh Hewitt is the host of the Hugh Hewitt Show.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tinseltown's Ideological Embrace

January 17, 2006 

—Michael Medved

The list of top movie money-makers for 2005 exposes enduring misunderstandings about American entertainment. Among the 15 most popular films, only one--number five, "Weddings Crashers"--was rated "R," and none of them was even vaguely controversial. The biggest blockbusters--"Star Wars," "Harry Potter" and "Narnia,"--hardly explored edgy approaches to sex or politics.

Meanwhile, the different list of top Oscar contenders is dominated by adults-only, controversial fare, with "Brokeback Mountain," "Munich," "Syriana," "Good Night and Good Luck," "Capote," and "Transamerica" leading the way.

The movie establishment honors precisely those releases that fail to connect with a mainstream audience: edgy message movies from a liberal perspective. So it's high time to drop the stupid myth that says "Hollywood cares only about the financial bottom line." Ideology is important in Tinseltown--and invariably that means leftist ideology.

Michael Medved is the host of The Michael Medved Show.

Michael Medved is the author of Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons from a Controversial Life.
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Mayor Chocolate Nagin: America's flavorite racist

Posted: January 17, 2006
4:55 a.m. Eastern

Joe Kovacs title Joe Kovacs

WND Exclusive Commentary

© 2006

Oh, fudge.

It's not every day in America that a newsmaker gets a colorful nickname associated with him or her. It's even harder for newsmakers to get two catchy monikers.

But New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, heretofore known as "School-bus Nagin" for failing to use his own buses to save people in advance of Hurricane Katrina, has beaten the odds with his tasty yet distasteful description of New Orleans as a "chocolate" city.

Mayor Chocolate Nagin

Thus, I hereby dub him, "Mayor Chocolate Nagin, America's flavorite racist."

In case you missed the dishonorable mayor's comment yesterday – on Martin Luther King Day no less – Nagin, who is black, promised the Crescent City would become "chocolate" once again.

"We ask black people ... It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans – the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans," the mayor said. "And I don't care what people are saying in Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day."

He also noted: "This city will be a majority African-American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans."

All bad grammar aside, I'm stunned by these quintessentially racist remarks.

Is it somewhere written in the city charter that New Orleans can only be New Orleans if the most of its residents are black? Somehow, I suspect such a requirement is lacking.

Can you imagine if the mayor happened to be white, and said he wanted a chocolate city? People would be turning beet red (not chocolate) with outrage and sheer contempt. Does the word lynching come to mind?

What if the mayor of Miami, for instance, suggested his city become more vanilla? I bet that would spice things up a bit among the large Cuban and Haitian populace.

Perhaps Chocolate Nagin never really heard or understood MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech where a person's color is supposed to be a non-factor.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character," said King.

Perhaps Chocolate Nagin has never read the Bible, as I just can't seem to find any verse that even hints New Orleans should have a majority of black citizens there, despite his claim God wants it to be that way.

Chocolate Nagin says, "You can't have New Orleans no other way."

Well, maybe you can. How about the novel concept of having the city filled with Americans, no matter what color or flavor they are? They could be chocolate, vanilla, coffee, salsa, teriyaki or tutti-fruity for that matter. Heck, I thought there was already a Cajun taste to the region.

And how about we all just stop this divisive idiocy of fretting over who is black and who is white? We're all Americans. Get with the program.

Maybe the mayor will get a bit more specific today and let us know if he prefers his city to be more milk chocolate or dark chocolate. One look in the mirror might have him realize there's already too much nut-filled chocolate in town.

Finally, Chocolate Nagin has not provided a detailed plan on how to transport back the large amounts of black citizens who have been scattered across the U.S. in the wake of Katrina.

I have a suggestion for him.

School buses.


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Dr. Thomas Sowell

Big World Blog is proud to announce the latest inductee in the Conservative Heroes Hall of Fame, Author/ Columnist and Professor/ Economist Dr. Thomas Sowell

Dr. Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell was born in North Carolina and grew up in Harlem. As with many others in his neighborhood, he left home early and did not finish high school. The next few years were difficult ones, but eventually he joined the Marine Corps and became a photographer in the Korean War. After leaving the service, Sowell entered Harvard University, worked a part-time job as a photographer and studied the science that would become his passion and profession: economics.

After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard University (1958), he went on to receive his master's in economics from Columbia University (1959) and a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago (1968).

In the early '60s, Sowell held jobs as an economist with the Department of Labor and AT&T. But his real interest was in teaching and scholarship. In 1965, at Cornell University, he began the first of many professorships. His other teaching assignments include Rutgers University, Amherst University, Brandeis University and the University of California at Los Angeles, where he taught in the early '70s and also from 1984 to 1989.

Sowell has published a large volume of writing. His dozen books, as well as numerous articles and essays, cover a wide range of topics, from classic economic theory to judicial activism, from civil rights to choosing the right college. Moreover, much of his writing is considered ground-breaking -- work that will outlive the great majority of scholarship done today. Vision of the Anointed, published in 1995, appeared on best-seller lists in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and USA Today.

Though Sowell had been a regular contributor to newspapers in the late '70s and early '80s, he did not begin his career as a newspaper columnist until 1984. George F. Will's writing, says Sowell, proved to him that someone could say something of substance in so short a space (750 words). And besides, writing for the general public enables him to address the heart of issues without the smoke and mirrors that so often accompany academic writing.

In 1990, he won the prestigious Francis Boyer Award, presented by The American Enterprise Institute.

Currently, Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution in Stanford, Calif.

(Bio from


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Monday, January 16, 2006

Liberal Churches files complaint: Conservative Churches could face IRS probe

Liberal Churches file complaint against Conservatives supporting Blackwell in Governor's race.

From this morning's Columbus Dispatch-

Pastors Parsley, Johnson exploited pulpits to play politics, ministers' complaint alleges

Monday, January 16, 2006
Mike Harden and Joe Hallett

More than 30 local pastors last night officially accused two evangelical megachurches of illegal political activities.

In a rare and potentially explosive action, the moderate ministers signed a complaint asking the Internal Revenue Service to investigate World Harvest Church of Columbus and Fairfield Christian Church of Lancaster and determine if their tax-exempt status should be revoked.

The grievance claims that the Rev. Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church and the Rev. Russell Johnson of Fairfield Christian Church improperly used their churches and affiliated entities -- the Center for Moral Clarity, Ohio Restoration Project and Reformation Ohio -- for partisan politics, including supporting the Republican gubernatorial candidacy of Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell.

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Blackwell Calls for Petro pullout-- says wheels have fallen off Petro campaign

Release from the Blackwell campaign:
Printer Friendly Version
Monday, January 16, 2006
Contact: Gene Pierce

Petro Should Abandon Gubernatorial Race to Help State Party

Wheels Have Fallen Off the Petro Campaign

(Columbus, January 16, 2006) Ohioans for Blackwell campaign spokesman Gene Piece had this response to the announcement that Phil Heimlich was abandoning the Petro campaign to run for re-election as Hamilton County Commissioner:

“Just as Mr. Heimlich has helped his local party by leaving the Petro campaign, Mr. Petro should help the State Republican Party and leave the gubernatorial race, too.

“Heimlich obviously knows the wheels have fallen off the Petro campaign and has no chance of victory. Petro’s credibility is destroyed from weeks of denying that Heimlich was leaving, Petro is still badly behind in the polls and his fundraising has dried up. Rather than continuing a clearly failing campaign for Governor, Petro would help the State Party by running for another less visible office and presenting a unified GOP front against billionaire liberal activists who have targeted millions of dollars to win the Statehouse for the Democrats.

“Heimlich’s withdrawal also raises a serious question about Petro’s next Lt. Governor choice. Petro tried to buy conservative credentials with Phil Heimlich and it didn’t stick. Will he revert to form and pick a Lt. Governor who is a supporter of the Taft tax hikes, a member of the “spend and tax” crowd in Columbus?”

Secretary of State Blackwell leads in all public opinion polls (even those of his opponents), raised more money than Petro in the last filing period and has assembled a grassroots network of more than 10,000 supporters. The filing deadline for candidates for the May 2 primary is February 16.

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Petro to select Sen. Cates for new LG

Word is that Senator Gary Cates will replace Phil Heimlich on the Petro ticket...
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Heimlich to leave Petro's campaign for Governor

Breaking News----

1:25 p.m.

Sandy Theis
Plain Dealer Bureau

In a stunning blow to Attorney General Jim Petro's campaign for governor, running mate Phil Heimlich is dropping off the ticket to run for re-election as Hamilton County Commissioner, sources said.

The Petro campaign would not confirm or deny the information but has scheduled a 4 p.m. news conference today.

Despite persistent rumors that Heimlich would not remain on the ticket, top Petro advisers insisted for weeks that he would remain in the race and help Petro win the GOP primary for governor.

Sources said Heimlich was under intense pressure from Hamilton County Republican Party leaders who view him as their best bet for keeping the three-member county commission in Republican hands. They also said that Heimlich was concerned that Petro - once viewed as the front runner - was too much of a long-shot for the nomination.

Also seeking the nomination are Auditor Betty Montgomery from northwest Ohio and Secretary of State Ken Blackwell from Cincinnati.

Petro tapped Heimlich early, hoping that his conservative credentials and Cincinnati roots would sway the party's conservative base, especially social conservatives who would be inclined to support Blackwell.

Democrats seeking their party's nomination are U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland of Lisbon, state Sen. Eric Fingerhut of Shaker Heights and Bryan Flannery, a former state representative who now lives in Strongsville.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Ten Commandments

by David Zanotti, American Policy Roadtable

There was a recent court decision on the Ten Commandments you probably did not hear about.

Here’s a shocker. Displaying the Ten Commandments in Kentucky is legal and constitutional.

A federal Court, the sixth Circuit Court in Cincinnati, recently permitted a 10 commandments display on public grounds in Kentucky. The major news organizations gave the story no coverage at all.

Remember Roy Moore and the Alabama Ten Commandments case?

So why is it front-page news when a federal court says now to a public display but there is no news when a court says yes?

One reason might be the Sixth Circuit Court slapped the ACLU up the side of the head in the decision.

The three-judge panel went so far as to state the fact that the Constitution does not contain the words separation of church and state. The Court is right, by the way. Go read the First Amendment and see if you can find those words. But the Court didn’t stop there.

The Judges told the ACLU to stop dragging the wall of separation argument into federal court.  They called the argument “tiresome” and extra-constitutional. In other words a group of federal judges finally stood up and told the ACLU to take a hike. A federal Court finally told the historic truth that the “wall of separation” was never a part of federal law, nor did Jefferson ever intend it to be used as a weapon against free speech, even religious speech.

You probably would like to read more about this case. Since no one else in the media seems willing to talk about it, we certainly will. And if you visit us online you can download a copy of the decision and read it for yourself. It is truly an important victory for the states of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Maybe a few other federal courts will read it as well.


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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Scandal rocks Ohio governor's race


Scandal rocks Ohio governor's race
Republicans allegedly profited from kickback scheme

Posted: January 9, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

A major kickback scandal is threatening to rock Ohio's Republican gubernatorial primary race.

The scheme, called "pay to profit," allegedly involves Republican state officials who awarded "no bid" multi-million dollar contracts to winning contractors who artificially inflated the prices they charged the government so they could "kickback" campaign contributions.

The lawsuit that broke the scandal was filed by Democrat Tim Hagan who ran against Republican Robert Taft for governor in 2002 and lost.

Hagan raised about $1.2 million for his 2002 general election campaign. Taft was able to raise more than $12 million, a ratio of 10 to 1.

In court filings obtained by WND, Hagan charged that Taft was able to raise so much more "because of his access to and use of recycled taxpayer dollars from unbid contracts."

Hagan's lawsuit also named Ohio's attorney general, Republican Jim Petro, and the state's current auditor, Betty Montgomery, as defendants, charging that they too participated in "pay to profit" kickback transactions.

Petro and Montgomery are contending with Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary.

Cleveland attorney Kenneth F. Seminatore, who filed the law suit on behalf of plaintiff Hagan, told WND that Blackwell was not named in the lawsuit because Seminatore could find no evidence he had ever participated in the kickback schemes.

Hagan's lawsuit charges that "pay to profit" schemes were standard operating practice in Ohio Republican Party politics.

"If I could have nailed Blackwell, I would have," Seminatore told WND. "Believe me, I looked hard, but Blackwell is clean."

Ohio's Republican Party still is reeling from the humiliation of Gov. Taft pleading "no contest" to ethics charges.

On Aug. 18, Franklin County Municipal Judge Mark Froehlich fined Taft $4,000, the maximum financial penalty, and found him guilty of four misdemeanors for breaking state ethics laws. Taft had failed to report golf outings, meals, hockey tickets and other gifts from some of Ohio's most influential business and political leaders. Refusing to resign, Taft became Ohio's first sitting governor convicted of a crime.

On Dec. 19, Seminatore filed a bombshell revelation in the Hagan case with the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. Kevin O'Brien, a lawyer in Columbus, Ohio, provided Seminatore with an affidavit claiming that in the summer of 2005 he was having an after-work drink in a trendy Columbus bar when he was approached by Amy Gravenguard, who introduced herself as the fund-raiser for Petro's gubernatorial campaign.

In O'Brien's affidavit, a copy of which WND has obtained, O'Brien described the conversation he and his friend had with Ms. Gravenguard:

During the introduction, my friend told Amy that I was a collections attorney; Amy said, "is that right; you should become special counsel" or words to that effect; I told Amy that I was a Democrat and I remember her response because she said that "Jim Petro is the most democratic of the Republican candidates" and I got a good laugh out of that.

In Ohio, "special counsel" who are appointed by the state government to collect past-due obligations can make millions for what is generally a "no bid" appointment. O'Brien's affidavit then described the quid pro quo Gravenguard proposed:

I spoke with Amy a few minutes and she told me that if I was interested in becoming special counsel that I would need to make a contribution to Mr. Petro's campaign; I asked her what the going contribution was and she said $25,000.00; in addition to that she said that most contributors agree to host several fund raisers for the candidate and there would be some expense involved in hosting the fund raisers.

In the parlance of Ohio "pay to profit" kickback deals, O'Brien knew what he was being told. The price to him was a $25,000 personal contribution to Jim Petro's gubernatorial campaign plus the cost of a few fund-raisers, with the assumption that O'Brien would tap his friends to attend and contribute.

In return, O'Brien would find himself appointed a special counsel with a lucrative license to apply his collection skills for substantial personal profit. According to the charges of the Hagan lawsuit, that's how "pay to profit" worked in Ohio.

O'Brien's statement was particularly damaging because as a lawyer he could lose his license if he had provided this statement falsely under oath. Asked whether a crime had been committed by Gravenguard, Seminatore told WND: "That's a good question. Maybe a federal grand jury ought to look into it."

Then, on Dec. 23, just before Christmas weekend, Hagan instructed Seminatore to drop the case.

"I have no explanation for my client's instructions," Seminatore told WND, "but it certainly wasn't the merits of the case. We had the evidence and I was ready to advance in a case I felt certain we would win."

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Weekly Standard: Saddam's Terror Training Camps

What the documents captured from the former Iraqi regime reveal--and why they should all be made public.

by Stephen F. Hayes
01/16/2006, Volume 011, Issue 17

THE FORMER IRAQI REGIME OF Saddam Hussein trained thousands of radical Islamic terrorists from the region at camps in Iraq over the four years immediately preceding the U.S. invasion, according to documents and photographs recovered by the U.S. military in postwar Iraq. The existence and character of these documents has been confirmed to THE WEEKLY STANDARD by eleven U.S. government officials.

The secret training took place primarily at three camps--in Samarra, Ramadi, and Salman Pak--and was directed by elite Iraqi military units. Interviews by U.S. government interrogators with Iraqi regime officials and military leaders corroborate the documentary evidence. Many of the fighters were drawn from terrorist groups in northern Africa with close ties to al Qaeda, chief among them Algeria's GSPC and the Sudanese Islamic Army. Some 2,000 terrorists were trained at these Iraqi camps each year from 1999 to 2002, putting the total number at or above 8,000. Intelligence officials believe that some of these terrorists returned to Iraq and are responsible for attacks against Americans and Iraqis. According to three officials with knowledge of the intelligence on Iraqi training camps, White House and National Security Council officials were briefed on these findings in May 2005; senior Defense Department officials subsequently received the same briefing.

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What Does "Brokeback" Say About Friendship?

January 10, 2006

—Albert Mohler

Will "Brokeback Mountain," the controversial movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger as cowboys who developed a long-term homosexual relationship, lead to a change in the culture?

Some certainly hope so, thinking that the movie could lead to further normalization of homosexuality in the society. Others fear the same. Anthony Esolen is among them. Esolen fears that the normalization of same-sex relationships and homosexual sex will forever change the way young men, and boys in particular, relate to one another. Esolen understands that once the culture accepts homosexuality as normal, all male friendships become suspect.

In one sense, the real significance of "Brokeback Mountain" doesn't have anything to do with cinematography. Instead, it has everything to do with our culture and the breakdown of sexual order. "Brokeback Mountain" represents something new in mainstream America--a celebration of homosexual romance on the big screen. Don't underestimate the power of Hollywood to influence the culture.
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The next inductee to the Conservative Heroes Hall of Fame coming Monday Jan. 16th!

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